

随着 Hexo 3 的发布,服务器已与主模块分离。要开始使用服务器,你首先必须安装 hexo-server

¥With the release of Hexo 3, the server has been separated from the main module. To start using the server, you will first have to install hexo-server.

$ npm install hexo-server --save

安装服务器后,运行以下命令启动服务器。你的网站默认在 http://localhost:4000 运行。当服务器运行时,Hexo 会监视文件更改并自动更新,因此无需手动重启服务器。

¥Once the server has been installed, run the following command to start the server. Your website will run at http://localhost:4000 by default. When the server is running, Hexo will watch for file changes and update automatically so it’s not necessary to manually restart the server.

$ hexo server

如果你想要更改端口或遇到 EADDRINUSE 错误,请使用 -p 选项设置其他端口。

¥If you want to change the port or if you’re encountering EADDRINUSE errors, use the -p option to set a different port.

$ hexo server -p 5000


¥Static Mode

在静态模式下,只会提供 public 文件夹中的文件,并且文件监视被禁用。你必须在启动服务器之前运行 hexo generate。通常在生产中使用。

¥In static mode, only files in the public folder will be served and file watching is disabled. You have to run hexo generate before starting the server. Usually used in production.

$ hexo server -s

自定义 IP

¥Custom IP

Hexo 默认在 运行服务器。你可以覆盖默认的 IP 设置。

¥Hexo runs the server at by default. You can override the default IP setting.

$ hexo server -i