
欢迎你加入 Hexo 的开发。🤗

¥We welcome you to join the development of Hexo. 🤗



欢迎你加入 Hexo 的开发。本文档将帮助你完成整个过程。

¥We welcome you to join the development of Hexo. This document will help you through the process.


¥Before You Start

请先阅读 贡献者契约行为准则

¥Please read Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct first.


¥Please follow the coding style:

此外,Hexo 有自己的 ESLint 配置,因此请确保你的贡献会让 ESLint 满意。

¥Also, Hexo has its own ESLint config, so please make sure your contribution will make ESLint happy.



  1. Fork hexojs/hexo

  2. 将存储库克隆到你的计算机并安装依赖。

    ¥Clone the repository to your computer and install dependencies.

$ git clone https://github.com/<username>/hexo.git
$ cd hexo
$ npm install
$ git submodule update --init
  1. 创建功能分支。

    ¥Create a feature branch.

$ git checkout -b new_feature
  1. 开始黑客攻击。

    ¥Start hacking.

  2. 推送分支:

    ¥Push the branch:

$ git push origin new_feature
  1. 创建一个拉取请求并描述更改。

    ¥Create a pull request and describe the change.



  • 请不要修改 package.json 中的版本号。

    ¥Please don’t modify version number in package.json.

  • 你的拉取请求只有在测试通过后才会合并。不要忘记在提交前运行测试。

    ¥Your pull request will only get merged when tests passed. Don’t forget to run tests before submission.

$ npm test


¥Updating official-plugins

此外,我们欢迎 PR 或对 official-plugins 提出问题。🤗

¥Also, we welcome PR or issue to official-plugins. 🤗


¥Updating Documentation

Hexo 文档是开源的,你可以在 hexojs/site 上找到源代码。

¥The Hexo documentation is open source and you can find the source code on hexojs/site.



  1. Fork hexojs/site

  2. 将存储库克隆到你的计算机并安装依赖。

    ¥Clone the repository to your computer and install dependencies.

$ npm install hexo-cli -g # If you don't have hexo-cli installed
$ git clone https://github.com/<username>/site.git
$ cd site
$ npm install
  1. 开始编辑文档。你可以启动服务器进行实时预览。

    ¥Start editing the documentation. You can start the server for live previewing.

$ hexo server
  1. 推送分支。

    ¥Push the branch.

  2. 创建一个拉取请求并描述更改。

    ¥Create a pull request and describe the change.



  1. source 文件夹中添加一个新的语言文件夹。(全部小写)

    ¥Add a new language folder in source folder. (All lower case)

  2. source 文件夹中的 Markdown 和模板文件复制到新的语言文件夹中。

    ¥Copy Markdown and template files in source folder to the new language folder.

  3. 将新语言添加到 source/_data/language.yml

    ¥Add the new language to source/_data/language.yml.

  4. themes/navy/languages 中的 en.yml 复制到语言名称(全部小写)。

    ¥Copy en.yml in themes/navy/languages and rename it to the language name (all lower case).


¥Reporting Issues

当你在使用 Hexo 时遇到一些问题时,你可以在 故障排除 中找到解决方案,或者在 GitHubGoogle 群组 上问我。如果你找不到答案,请在 GitHub 上报告。

¥When you encounter some problems when using Hexo, you can find the solutions in Troubleshooting or ask me on GitHub or Google Group. If you can’t find the answer, please report it on GitHub.

  1. 调试模式 中表示问题。

    ¥Represent the problem in debug mode.

  2. 在 GitHub 上提交新问题时,请按照问题模板中的步骤提供调试消息和版本。

    ¥Follow the steps from the issue template to provide a debug message and version when submitting a new issue at GitHub.